Newest Release
from Lena Land Books: The First Day of School Blues
For children
ages 6 and under
The First Day of
School Blues was written for all children who are shy, a little
scared and not sure what to expect when going to a new school or a new
grade. This is also about the separation
anxiety a parent feels sending their child to school for the first time.
Damon Davies is one of those kids and he wants to share his
story with you!
My name is Damon Davies and today I start the first grade.
I’ve got butterflies in my tummy but mommy say’s I’m very
New faces, new teachers and a new lunch lady too.
I hope they pile on the tater tots like Ms. Pearlie use to.
At lunchtime I got lucky and met a new friend.
Jumping off of the bus after the best first day of school
I see mommy waiting by the bus stop and daddy’s there too.
With a tear in her eye she smothers me with kisses
and I think I know why.
I have a secret to tell all of you kids that I bet you never
On the first day of school, mommies get the blues too!
Lena Land Books