I am ecstatic to announce A Diamond in the Rough is featured as the Ebook of the Month in From A Writer's POV magazine. The magazine is an irreplaceable resource for up and coming writers, authors and independent business owners, spearheaded by Dominique Watson, Darryl Mims and Brandie Randolph. Check out the feature below.
Ebook of the Month; "A Diamond in the Rough"
New York City…particularly the streets of Brooklyn…can be hard living for anyone, let alone a young lady. The streets can swallow you whole, and not have any regards for how you handle it. Author Lena Williamson’s ebook, “A Diamond in the Rough”, tells us the story of one young lady’s plight, and how the streets’ corruption can change a person’s life forever.
About Lena Land Books
Ebook of the Month; "A Diamond in the Rough"
By: Lena Williamson
Published in 2009
About The Book: Diamond was born and raised in one of Brooklyn’s grittiest projects and has the potential to do anything she sets her mind to. She is book smart but not too street smart. After a run-in with a heavy handed pimp, business savvy ho’s and being embraced by the porn industry she tries to do what many people do and out run her past. The deadliest elements threaten to destroy any chance of her shining. Diamond will get everything that is coming to her but at what cost?
About The Author: Born and raised in Brooklyn, Lena Williamson is President, Web Designer, Graphic Designer and the Administrative Assistant for Lena Land Books. Lena is an author of fiction, poetry and children books. She is a graduate of the Borough of Manhattan Community College with an Associate of Arts degree. Lena is the mother of one child who resides with her in Brooklyn, New York. All books can be purchased at Amazon and Lulu.com.
Established in 2009, the goal of Lena Land Books is to reach as many readers in different genres as possible, from fantasy fiction to fairytales, all under the pen of one author. Lena Land Books has released five titles under three different genres since its inception. In 2011 Lena Land Books released all titles in e-book format. What makes all of these accomplishments a remarkable feat is the fact it is all done by one person, author Lena Williamson.
Websites: You can purchase and download Lena’s ebooks here at these links: Amazon (Kindle): http://amzn.to/nTYlAX
Barnes & Noble (Nook): http://bit.ly/pduIbQ
Personal website: http://lenalandbooks.intuitwebsites.com
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