Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quinn Chews Out Chick-Fil-A While NYC Workers Die

It amazes me how politicians that rise in the ranks within the political arena always seem to start off as for “the people” but lose “the people” along their journey toward candidacies for Mayor, Governor, Senator or President.
I admired Christine Quinn’s political ambition and ascension especially when it came to her support and loyalty to the LGBT community.  I later learned that she was a lesbian as well.  I appreciated her taking a stand against Mayor Bloomberg on issues such as displacing the Homeless when they clearly had no other alternative other than the overcrowded shelters they were vying to occupy. 
However Council Speaker Christine Quinn seems to have lost her focus on recent issues.  It did not surprise me in the least to hear that Quinn took offense over Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy’s view on the state of gay marriage.  Nor did it shock me to learn that she tried to have the only Chick-Fil-A in New York City thrown out of NYU.
My disgust and anger toward Quinn bubbles up from the knowledge that she made time to harass the President of NYU and release a statement asking Chick-Fil-A’s President Dan Cathy to overcome his homophobia while quickly and callously dismissing the fact that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of under paid New Yorkers working without being paid for sick days.
Felix Trinidad is the latest casualty in Quinn’s war on everything anti-gay.  Trinidad died of stomach cancer on July 12th of this year at the age of 34.  He was the sole provider for his wife and two young children.  What really gets under my skin and festers is knowing that Quinn will fight tooth and nail for causes close to her heart and that furthers her political agenda but the same people who get out of work too late to kiss their children good night but early enough to cast their vote on election day so that she can keep her seat are being made to work with terminal illnesses, debilitating pain and agony so that the small businesses that line Quinn’s pocket will not suffer.
I was once one of Christine Quinn’s biggest fans and supporters but come Election Day when its time to choose Bloomberg’s successor this is one vote that Quinn can count on losing.

Sources: Albor Ruiz and Erin Durkin of the Daily News

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