Monday, August 18, 2014

Burning Down The House

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, most people living in the U.S. are aware of the protesting and extreme violence taking place in Ferguson, MO which has been plastered across every city newspaper and television screen across the 50 states. 
As I try to separate fact from fiction regarding what the media is recycling about the street execution of an unarmed, 18 year old Michael Brown and despite the reports from the Ferguson Police Department, what continues to puzzle me is the destruction of property within the community.
Mark 3:27 states “In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house with out first tying him up.  Then he can plunder the strong man’s house.
I personally live by that statement, as I am careful to watch over the ways of my own household.  So for the life of me I cannot understand why people choose to voluntarily loot and burn down their own communities in a fit of anger.  What type of Justice can any of us expect to receive by tearing down the very communities we need protection for?

History has a habit of repeating itself as we’ve seen during the 1968 riots in Washington after Dr. M.L King was killed.  Again in 1991 in New York during the Crown Heights riots, and a year later in Los Angeles following the assault on Rodney King.  When, as a whole, will the African American community especially those who consider themselves activists figure out that burning down your own house will do nothing more than leave you without a voice or a home?