Friday, August 3, 2012

The Catch 22: Everyone should carry a .22

With the latest tragedy coming out of Aurora, Colorado a question being posed is “would it have been safer or less chaotic if everyone in Aurora was carrying at the Dark Knight Rises premiere?”

As a long time resident of New York City violence especially attributed to gun use is not a new topic.  Most of the shootings committed in this city are a result of illegal gun sales.  At the age of 10 years old I can clearly remember being afraid to go to the movies because of the reoccurring shootouts at local movie theaters.  With the release of movies like Boyz in the Hood and New Jack City, gun violence was an unwelcome result of the release of urban films.
However the Aurora, Colorado shooting was not a result of reckless inner city youth acting out over the release of an urban film, where it would likely be expected.  This massacre was different and unique in so many ways. 
First of all the gunman was not a disadvantaged youth who obtained an illegal weapon.  The Colorado gunman was college educated and from a decent family.  His guns were also purchased LEGALLY and over the counter, just like a bottle of painkillers and as easily as a cup of coffee.  In Colorado it was within his rights to do so, along with the other residents of Colorado.
The question then becomes what would have happened if the victims of this tragedy had their guns with them that evening?  My first issue with this is before the Dark Knight Rises premiere, who would have thought they needed to bear arms at the movies?  There were several children who were also victims.  Should their parents have strapped AK-47s to their backs along with the baby’s diaper bag?  I can just imagine a scene straight out of the O.K. Corral with guns blazing, mothers and fathers letting off endless rounds at the gunman who was dressed head to toe in tactical gear.  No one left standing once the smoke cleared.  How many victims would there have been then?
Law makers are split on whether or not gun laws should be made tougher but unfortunately most of these politicians are afraid of ruffling the feathers of the NRA (National Rifle Association) and any talk of eliminating the presence of guns in the free world is not going to happen.  So how do we find a manageable solution to prevent further bloodshed?
I can remember going to get my passport for the very first time at the age of 26 years old.  For that process I needed state approved documents detailing whom I was, various forms of State and City issued identification and to be accompanied by my mother.  The latter, was most important for verification of who I was.  Imagine if our government put that much effort into prohibiting illegal gun sales and restricting legal gun purchases, maybe, just maybe there would be fewer weapons on the streets from state to state.

(I did not include the gunman’s name purposely in this article to prevent any further spotlight to be focused on him)

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